Moreno Moroni, has always been in love with his homeland, before as a fisherman, then as an hunter and finally as a truffle hunter, has always pursued the objective of enhancement and preservation of its heritage
Described as “Master truffle hunter of Arezzo”, for the vast theoretical and practical experience in the world of truffle, Moreno can be considered as the inspirer of Villa Magna Farm, which runs together with his entire family.
He has been the first of all believing in the truffle cultivation, and in a new way of farming.
He is the driving force of the company and persecutor of organic farming, thus allowing us to offer our customers a high quality product.
We remember his biography below:
Moreno Moroni was born in Caprese Michelangelo on the 24th of July 1956.
In 1976 he obtained an High School Diploma as agricultural technician, and in the same year, after entering in State Forestry Corps (Corpo Forestale dello Stato or CFS), he started to work at the “Istituto Sperimentale per la Selvicoltura” (Experimental Forestry Institute) of Arezzo, dealing with the construction and operation of experimental particles of precious woody species (walnut, cherry) but most of truffle farming (seedlings mycorrhization, plants and management of truffle beds, collection etc.). In particular, from 1977 to 2009, he was responsible of the experimental arboretums of Vallombrosa forest and the adjoining Farmacia woods. It was in those years that he matures passion and knowledge for truffles, so in 1983 he obtained by the Tuscan administration his first truffle hunter license.
In the same year, he contributed to creation and opening of the centre of truffle cultivation of S. Angelo in Vado (PU), collaboration lasted about seven years thanks to an agreement between the Marche region and the Experimental Forestry Institute of Arezzo of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.
He has actively collaborated in the field surveys, which lasted a few years, of the project “T. Magnatum” always of the Ministry, where Augusto Tocci was the director.
In the 90s he purchased the first land deemed suited in the area between the Tiber Valley and Casentino (AR) and then he planted about 1700 seedlings mycorrhized with different species of truffle self-produced, arriving later in the years up to a total of 10 hectares.
In 1999 the first results began with T. albidum, in 2004 with the T. aestivum and then the T. melanosporum. Currently the mycorrhized trees planted are equipped with fixed irrigation system and fences with a height of 180 cm. The dogs used to search for truffles were originally hound – pointer, however in recent years the focus has been more on the Lagotto Romagnolo.
In the period 2001 /2005 he contributed to the design and construction of numerous truffle beds, designed by Doc. Leonardo Nocentini, all over the province of Arezzo, drawing on PSR funding.
He has been the President of the “Associazione Tartufai delle Valli Aretine” (Truffle Hunters of Arezzo Valleys Association) since 2001.
In 2002, he took part in a refresher course about truffle cultivation in Spoleto held by local Mountain Community.
Since 2002, he has been teaching in preparation courses about the biology of the truffle as well as the current legislation to aspiring truffle hunters being part, at the Provincial Administration, the Committee for the evaluation of the suitability for collection of truffles.
Still in 2002 he held updating courses on the subjects mentioned above to Agents and NCOs of the C.F.S., to Agents of the Provincial Police of the Mountain Community and Mycologists Inspectors dependent USL (Local Public Health Unit).
In 2003 he was professor of truffle cultivation at the “Università del Tartufo” (University of Truffles) of S. Miniato for a total of 5 courses between S. Miniato and S. Giovanni D’Asso.
From 2003 to 2005 he was the Regional Coordinator of “Associazioni Tartufai Toscane” (Tuscan Truffle Hunters Associations).
From 2005 to 2012 he was the President of U.R.A.T.T. (Regional Union of Truffle Associations of Tuscany).
He has been the vice-president of F.N.A.T.I. (National Federation of Italian Truffle Hunters Associations) for 8 years, participating in numerous conferences about truffles in France and Spain.