Padua, the city of the Saint.
We can so define it due to the link that the entire population has created with Saint Anthony of Padua. Visiting the city, in fact, it’s impossible not to find something “of the Saint”, that it is to drink, eat, dress, collect or see. Even the cathedral dedicated to him, the “Pontificia Basilica di Sant’Antonio” (Pontifical Basilica of Saint Anthony), built between 1200 and 1300, is known as “the Saint”.
Analyzing its history, the first colonizations are evidenced by the findings dating back to the XI-X century AC along the banks of a tributary of the Brenta river, the current Bacchiglione, which crosses the downtown.
Initially called Patavium, in the Roman era it allied itself with Rome against the Galli Cisalpini, and then it became a part of the Empire.
Thanks to Charlemagne, the city began to recover from the crisis caused by the barbarian invasions that had devastated and depopulated it.
Becoming a Libero Comune (free municipality) during the Late Middle Ages, Padua enriched and in that period there has been the foundation of its University, in 1222, one of the oldest and most famous in the world.
After a series of wars with Verona and the Venetian Republic, it became part of the latter in 1405, remaining there until its fall in 1797, and Napoleon gave the city to Austria.
Finally, it became part of Kingdom of Italy with the third war of independence in 1866.
Currently, it is the third city in the Veneto region by number of inhabitants, preceded by Venice and Verona.
In addition to the previously mentioned basilica and university, Padua is full of places to visit, both in the center then in the surroundings.
Padua is not only buildings and monuments, but also offers a beautiful landscape in its surroundings, as well as culinary delicacies such as bigoli, the Paduan hen, DOC wines, hams, truffles etc.
In addition to fascinating villages, including Monselice, Este and Abano, this area is not only important for the famous spas that attract many people, but also because it is rich in truffles. In fact, the Euganean Hills (particularly near the Municipality of Cinto Euganeo) are very well known for the collection of this precious mushroom, which are just a few kilometers from the Padua downtown. Another important area, in the north-west just beyond its borders, are the Berici Hills, located in Vicenza province.
In addition to the black truffle present in these hills, you can find some precious white truffle around Este, and more significantly, further in the south, approaching the banks of Po river.
Considering the beauty and richness of its territory, thanks to the collaboration with friends expert truffle hunters, Villa Magna Truffles has decided to offer the chance to try a real truffle harvest immersed in nature.
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