The fabulous Lagotto Romagnolo puppies of Dora and Rambo are growing fast!

Males have a decisive character as their father, females instead are more independent and docile.
We have sold some puppy without training, while for others Marco and Moreno are doing a job of imprinting on the truffle.
The female in picture, Lea, of white (orange) color, small size, very manageable, promises good. It has already made the first “perforated” in nature of black truffles since it was two and a half months old, later of course it will go to find white truffles.
The two parents both have an important pedigree.
Puppies were born on March 15th, 2017.

To request a personalized training (the dog can be sold started up to now or within a few months, depending by the type of request), price and various info, contact:
MARCO: +39 340 5115513
MORENO: +39 338 5629300

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