In a recent ranking of “Corriere della Sera” about the best 20 farmers market of Italy, it was added also covered market of Montevarchi!
This small reality is compared to the markets of major cities such as Milan, Turin, Bologna, Florence, Rome, Naples etc.; all thanks to the constant and intense work of the operators of the structure and producers that supply it constantly with their delicacies, which over the years have believed in this extraordinary project.
This award is certainly not a destination, but it is only one step in a long journey that started in 2008.
Together with the Mercatale which is held once a month under “I portici” (arcades) of Via Roma and the positive experience of this reality, has led to replicate the project in Arezzo, inside the recently restored “Logge del Grano” (Grain Lodges).
Full article “Corriere della Sera”:
Official Facebook fan page “Mercatale di Montevarchi“:
You can find a selection of our products either in “Mercatale” of Montevarchi that in covered market of “Logge del Grano” of Arezzo.